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The natural park of the Po river, and the charm of lighthouses.

2 min read

Probably we should dedicate at least a ten posts to the beautiful but still little known natural park of the Delta del Po. One of its characteristic element is the presence of two lighthouses, which rise in front of the great Delta as they were his guardians. Both are achievable only by boat. The lighthouse of Punta Maistra, known as the lighthouse of Pila too, is located at the mouth of the Busa Dritta, at the end of the “Po di Pila” and is slender and very white. This lighthouse, still working and owned by the Italian Navy, was much loved by the italian poet Eugenio Montale. Around the lighthouse there are small islets and reeds. Everywhere there are inextricable water channels of different and, according to the depth, giving life to different shades of green. Many species of birds are collected on the reeds, and where the lagoon meet the sea, there are the seagulls. Beyond the sea, then, on clear days, you can see the Croatia, Istria and Rovinj.

Another lighthouse is located in the “Bocche del Po di Goro” and is the Bacucco lighthouse (or Gorino’s Lighthouse), which dominates one of the most intact areas of the naturalistic point of view. The reeds are even more infinity and in the spring there are a vegetation unavailable on the other side. In the evening, the light of the Bacucco Lighthouse light up and it is really wonderful to stand on a bank, see it from a distance while it shines in the solitude and enjoy the spectacle of the longest italian river.

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