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“It’s fart time!”

2 min read

As far as pastries go, these probably win for having the least tasty-sounding English translation.
The reason?
The French-Canadian Pet de Soeur literally mean “nun’s fart”.

Québécois often bake the flaky delicious spirals of dough especially during holidays. The pastry, glazed in butter, brown sugar, and occasionally cinnamon, pays crass homage to the nuns who first made it, and it’s significantly tastier than its name implies.
So, why a flatulence reference for such a delicious treat?
Well, nobody knows for sure, as explanations abound. Some say it stems from the sound the dough makes as it’s being fried in oil.
Others tell tales of one nun’s fart causing such hysterical laughter that another sister accidentally dropped some dough in oil and…Hey… it tasted pretty good!
Pet de soeur are also commonly found throughout France, but are a little different: French bakers deep-fry dough puffs, similar to beignets.
Regardless, should you try your hand at preparing a version of this simple delight at home, you should yell,
“It’s fart time!” when they’re ready or…
“The farts are done!”
And that, sure, should get people running into the kitchen…

Images from web – Google Research

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