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Pink Moon, Planter’s Moon, Seed Moon..or April’s Full Wind Moon

5 min read

Originally written on April 27, 2021. Updated April 16, 2022, April 5, 2023 and April 23 2024

Once someone said…a full Moon in April brings frost. If the full Moon rises pale, expect rain.
Well. It’s April, and about halfway through the month, the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside, and the wind picks up.
Seeds are being blown about on the breezes, spreading life all around from one place to another and, not by chance, this lunar cycle is often known as the Seed Moon. Trees have buds, spring daffodils and tulips abound, and the birds are nesting once more.
Just like March, this is a time of conception and fertility and new growth.
If you believe in magic, April is a good time to work on new beginnings, whether you’re hoping to develop new relationships, grow professionally, or create new projects for yourself. It’s the time to stop planning, and start doing.

As this month’s full moon is called the Seed Moon, do some planting magic, plan out your garden, and get your seedlings started and, because April’s moon is also associated with the wind, now is a good time to explore the symbolism of the winds that blow in from each of the four directions.
For instance, the North Wind is associated with cold, destruction, and change (and not always the good kind of change). If you’ve got some bad stuff looming on the horizon, now’s the time to work through it.
The South Wind, in contrast, is connected to warmth and the element of fire, which in turn is associated with passion and power. Fire is a destroyer, but it also creates.
The winds of the East are often associated with new beginnings; in particular, focus on new careers, education, or other aspects of your life that are related to communication and your intellect. Finally, the West Wind is tied to the cleansing and healing powers of water, so if you need to get rid of things that are causing you heartache or pain, let the West Wind blow them right out of your life!

Trees, including hazel, forsythia, lilac, and willow, are beginning to bud in April, and represent the beginnings of new life for the coming summer.
Gods and goddesses like Ishtar, Tawaret, Venus, Herne, and Cernunnos all represent the greening of the earth, and the coming of the fertility season, which is right around the corner.
Herbs like dandelion, milkweed, dogwood, fennel, and dill are associated with air, in part because their seed pods will blow away and spread on a breezy day.
In fact, the element of air is strongly tied to this month, because of the winds that may pop up out of nowhere.
April does tend to be a wet month in many areas, so now is a good time to gather up rainwater.
According to popular beliefs, rain that accumulates during a soft, light drizzle can be used in rituals for calming and meditation, while the water that fills your jar in the middle of a late-night, thunder-and-lightning deluge is going to have a lot of energy in it.

This moon is also known as the Pink Moon and, although we wish this name had to do with the color of the Moon, the reality is not quite as mystical or mysterious.
In truth, April’s full Moon often corresponded with the early springtime blooms of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America, Wild Ground Phlox, also known as Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata) as they cover the ground like a pink blanket, that often bloom around the time of April’s Full Moon.
But in April Moon names, references to spring abound. From Breaking Ice Moon (Algonquin) and Moon When the Streams Are Again Navigable (Dakota) that reference the melting ice and increased mobility of the early spring season, to Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs (Tlingit) and Moon of the Red Grass Appearing (Oglala), that speak to the plant growth that will soon kick into high gear.
Other names refer to the reappearance of certain animals, including Moon When the Ducks Come Back (Lakota), Moon When the Geese Lay Eggs (Dakota), and Frog Moon (Cree).
It is called also the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and, among US coastal Native American tribes, the Full Fish Moon or Sucker Moon (Anishinaabe) because it was the time to harvest sucker fish, which return to streams or lake shallows to spawn. According to legend, now is the time when this fish comes back from the spirit world to purify bodies of water and the creatures living in them, and this name may also be applied to the February Moon, to honor the sacrifice of the sucker fish in order to feed the Anishinaabe peoples, traditionally helping them to survive the winter.
In the Celtic Tree tradition this one is called Saille or Willow. And in Nordic traditions, (which is governed by half months rather than full months), they divide this moon by Man (Human) and Lagu (Flowing Water).

Venture outside on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 to catch a glimpse of April’s full Pink Moon!
This full Moon reaches peak illumination at 7:49 p.m. Eastern Time.
For the best view of this pretty spring Moon, find an open area and watch as the Moon rises just above the horizon.
At this point, it will appear its biggest and take on a golden hue!

Images from web – Google Research

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